7 Quick Start - Pool and Spa Operations (Shared Equipment). 3 EasyTouch Wireless Control Panel Display. 2 EasyTouch Wireless Control Panel Buttons.

1 EasyTouch Wireless Control Panel Overview. vi Section 1: EasyTouch Wireless Control Panel Overview. iii EasyTouch Wireless Control Panel Kit Contents. P/N Rev E - 02/08/11ģ i Contents IMPORTANT WARNING AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those parties or others. Unless noted, names and brands of others that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the proprietors of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved This document is subject to change without notice 1620 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC (800) (919) West Los Angeles Ave., Moorpark, CA (800) (805) EasyTouch, IntelliChlor, IntelliChem, IntelliFlo, QuickTouch, MagicStream, IntelliBrite, SAm, SAL, FIBERworks, ThermalFlo and Pentair Water Pool and Spa are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc.
#Pentair screenlogic waiting for wifi pdf
#Pentair screenlogic waiting for wifi Pc
All ScreenLogic2 kits come with a protocol adapter and ScreenLogic2 Interface PC program on CD.The ScreenLogic2 Interface allows you to control the key functions of a pool or spa using the IntelliTouch® and EasyTouch® control systems, through controllers such as an iPad®, iPhone®, iPod touch® mobile digital device, and Mac® computers. Control From Across the Deck or Around the Globe